The overall projected electricity demand for Japan will be lowered in the next 15 years according to METI. In 2015, it is estimated that Japan produces around 20000 PJ of energy, in which 90% is from fossil fuel and 10% is from renewable sources. Specifically in renewable energy, over 50% is from hydropower, followed by biomass energy at 23%, and solar power at 20%. The final energy consumption level is 68% of the total input, which is ~13600 PJ. In 2019, it is estimated that 3.4% of Japan's total energy output comes from biomass energy, and is projected to increase in the future due to the country's policies.
As of 2012, after the Fukushima incident, Japan has pledged to reduce the amount of energy generated from fossil fuel and nuclear power, and passed legislation that encourages the production of electricity from renewable sources. This will have an effect on future energy production activities.

Electricity price in Japan is one of the most expensive in the world, averaging about 0.28 USD per kWH for households and 0.215 USD per kWH for businesses, much higher than the world average of 0.14 USD for households and 0.13 USD for businesses. This is due to a number of various policies that subsidize clean energy, in which the extra cost of production is transferred to consumers.